The recommended order of food consumption for this week is as follows:
Chicken Porridge, Clam Bean Sprout Soup, Steak & Grilled Potatoes, Soy Sauce Braised Fish, Gochujang Potato Stew, Bolognese Pasta, Spicy Pork Belly.
(This order is beneficial for keeping food fresh.)

Can be Frozen*

*Foods that will be consumed after 2 days should be frozen

Clam Bean Sprout Soup
Spicy Pork Belly
Soy Sauce Braised Fish
Bolognese Sauce
Chicken Porridge

Fully cooked food

Clam Bean Sprout Soup
Gochujang Potato Stew
Steak & Grilled Potatoes: The steak has been cooked to medium rare, if you like a more cooked steak please cook it a bit more
Chicken Porridge: If the Porridge is too thick add some water and reheat on medium heat.
Bolognese Pasta
Soy Sauce Braised Fish: Reheat on Medium heat.
Soybean Paste Seasoned Rapeseed

#1 Spicy Pork Belly (Est. Time 10-15min)

1. Add a little oil to the pan and fry the seasoned pork belly well on both sides.
2. Lightly fry the onions and serve with seasoned pork belly.